The majority of the humans on Earth have no idea that words have the power of creation.....Dr. Miguel Ruiz

jueves, junio 08, 2006

ReSt In PiEcEs...

Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
Cause this hurts deeper than I thought it did
It has not healed with time
It just shot down my spine.

You look so beautiful tonight
Remind me how you laid us down
And gently smiled before you destroyed my life

Would you find it in your heart
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart?
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart?
To make it go away
And let me rest in pieces

Look at me, my depth perception must be off again
You got much closer than I thought you did
I'm in your reach
You held me in your hands

But could you find it in your heart?
To make this go away
And let me rest in pieces
Would you find it in your heart?
To make it go away
And let me rest in pieces

Show me how your dreams are, let me take you on mi arms, let me see in the deepest of your love, let me go... if you're not my real love... Please don't hurt me in the way you did. I don't know why I'm writting this, I don't know why I love you as I do...

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